This is a map of Europe I colored and customized. I think I have all the countries we visited. Hover over a country
to link to its page. I need you to help me with photos and info on what we did in each locale. I also intend to
put a "missions of paul" style dotted line showing our route once I get a good idea of what that route was. :)
The layouts are temporary until I can get the pics and schedule organized.
On each country's page I've put only the pics and information I have so far. Please e-mail me with any corrections
or additions. Keep in mind, the only photos I have are the ones i scanned from Melissa back at Harding.
These are the countries I have record of us visiting Austria, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland... and finally, the UNIDENTIFIED PHOTOS. Help me
I.D. them? Please?